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Dignity is about respect and about honouring and valuing the individual. It involves communicating with and treating people as equals.

SOS Kilkenny treats all individuals with respect, ensuring that they feel listened to and that their views are taken into account.


Inclusion is about people being involved, having genuine connections and being equal.
It involves people being part of their own local community and playing socially valued roles in contributing to that context.
SOS Kilkenny supports people to be part of their own local community.SOS Kilkenny sustains an organisational culture of openness, transparency, reflective practice and a strong team dynamic.


Diversity is about recognising the uniqueness of the individual and honouring the many dimensions of being a person. SOS Kilkenny embraces, makes adjustments for and celebrates the diversity of those we provide supports to and of our employees.SOS Kilkenny employs a diverse workforce with differing backgrounds, identities and abilities and pursues equal opportunities recruitment to this end.


Self-Determination is about individuals being able to make informed choices and being in control of their lives. It involves positive risk management, capacity building and responsive resources. SOS Kilkenny supports individuals to achieve outcomes that are important to them in their lives, in a context where risks are recognised and positively managed. SOS Kilkenny facilitates employees to be part of decision-making in the organisation.

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